
TRY AGAIN: Chapter No:3

TRY AGAIN: Chapter No:3

(W.E. Hickson)


This a lesson you should heed–

Try again;

If at first, you don’t succeed,

Try again.

Then your courage should appear;

For if you will persevere,

You will conquer, never fear,

Try again.


یہ وہ سبق ہے جس پر آپ کو توجہ دینی چاہیے

دوبارہ کوشش کرو

اگر پہلی بار تم کامیاب نہ ہو تو

دوبارہ کوشش کرو

پھر آپ کی ہمت نظر آنی چاہیے۔

کیونکہ اگر تم ثابت قدم رہو گے تو

تم فتح یاب ہوگے۔ کبھی ڈرو مت

دوبارہ کوشش کرو


The poet emphasizes a vital lesson for everyone: the key is to persist and try again when faced with failure. What truly counts isn’t the outcome itself but the determined effort invested. It’s crucial to show this effort consistently and not let the fear of failure deter us. Instead, we should continue striving, undeterred by setbacks, as success often follows multiple attempts.


Once or twice though you should fail,

If you would at last prevail,

Try again. 

If we strive, ’tis no disgrace

Though we did not win the race—

What should you do in that case?

Try again


اگر تم ایک یا دو دفعہ ناکام ہو بھی جاؤ

اگر تم آخر تک ڈٹے رہو

دوبارہ کوشش کرو

اگر تم جدوجہد کرو تو اس میں کوئی عار نہیں

اگرچہ تم بازی نہ بھی جیتو

تو اس صورت میں تمہیں کیا کرنا چاہیے؟

دوبارہ کوشش کرو


These lines have been taken from the poem “Try Again” by W.E. Hickson.

The poet highlights that making an effort isn’t something to be ashamed of. Even if we don’t immediately succeed, it’s important to persist in our endeavors. This persistence not only builds courage but also increases our chances of achieving success. Eventually, our consistent dedication pays off, rewarding us with success when the time is right.


If you find your task is hard.

Try again;

Time will bring you your reward,

Try again;

All that other folk can do,

Why with patience should not you?

Only keep this rule in view,

Try again.


اگر تمہیں تمہارا کام مشکل لگے تو

دوبارہ کوشش کرو

وقت تمہیں تمہارا انعام دے گا۔

دوبارہ کوشش کرو

وہ سب جو دوسرے لوگ کر سکتے ہیں۔

تو پھر صبر کے ساتھ تم کیوں نہیں؟

صرف یہی اصول ذہن میں رکھو

دوبارہ کوشش کرو


These lines have been taken from the poem “Try Again” by W.E. Hickson.


The poet illustrates his perspective through examples, suggesting that encountering a challenging task shouldn’t prompt us to abandon our efforts. Instead, the poet urges us to persist in our struggle toward success. By continuing this endeavor, we can surpass all obstacles, ultimately achieving success that will be within our grasp.


W.E. Hickson’s poem “Try Again” emphasizes the importance of persistence and continuous effort. The poet emphasizes that when faced with initial failure, one should persist and make another attempt. Each person holds the capability to achieve their personal goals, but the journey might be challenging. Despite initial setbacks, perseverance is crucial. Giving up after a single failure might lead to a pattern of giving up in the future.

The poem suggests that greatness doesn’t come easily; it demands patience and enduring multiple trials. Hickson urges us to reflect on the lesson: if we fail initially, we should try again without fear of failure. The emphasis lies on the effort put forth, regardless of the outcome. Persistence is not a sign of weakness; even in defeat, the poet encourages continuous effort.

He illustrates his point using examples of historical figures who faced hardships but persevered to achieve their goals. Setbacks and disappointments are common in life, and how we confront and handle them reveals our resilience and determination.

Ultimately, the poem advocates for persistence, suggesting that dedication to our endeavors, even in the face of challenges, will eventually yield success as a reward for unwavering effort.


Q: What lesson does the first stanza teach?

A: The initial stanza emphasizes the importance of persistence in facing challenges. It underscores the idea that success isn’t solely about the outcome; rather, it’s about the continuous effort and resilience displayed in attempting to achieve one’s goals. The poet conveys the belief that consistent endeavor leads to eventual success.

Q: What can we learn from failure?

A: Failure serves as a valuable teacher, highlighting the necessity of perseverance. It prompts us to confront setbacks directly and learn from them.

Q: How is a failure, not a disgrace?

A: Failure isn’t a mark of shame; rather, it presents an opportunity for growth and resilience. It empowers us to confront difficulties and fortify our ability to face challenges head-on.

Q: How many times should we try and why?

A: There isn’t a set limit to trying again. Persistence should persist until success is achieved. Pursuing success knows no boundaries; hence, consistent effort is crucial until the goal is reached.

Q: What should we do if we find our task hard?

A: When faced with a challenging task, the solution lies in attempting it again with unwavering determination. Persistence is key to overcoming difficulties.

Q: Share an example of a struggle from your life.

A: A couple of years ago, during my 8th grade, I aimed to secure the top position in my class. Despite repeated failures, I dedicated myself tirelessly, working day and night. Eventually, my persistent efforts paid off, and I achieved the first rank in my class during the annual examinations.


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