


Lesson No: 11


Q:       How do you define noise pollution?

A:        Noise pollution is defined as any form of noise that disrupts the normal functioning of life.

Q:       How is transport a source of noise pollution?

A:        Excessive use of vehicle horns is a main source of noise pollution. Airplanes, trains, and ships are also sources of noise pollution for people living in colonies near airports and railway stations.

Q:       How is construction work a cause of noise pollution?

A:        The transport and equipment used at construction sites, its grilling and piercing sound is a cause of noise pollution.

Q:       How is the use of technology causing noise pollution?

A: Technology-based things produce damaging sound, which is freely audible. Thus, the use of technology is causing noise pollution.

Q:       Why is noise dangerous for human health?

A:        Noise is dangerous for human health, as it hurts it. It can cause conditions such as aggression, high blood pressure, hearing loss, restlessness, depression, insomnia, and anxiety.

Q:       What kind of precautions may reduce noise coming from electronic devices?

A:        Listening to loud music or watching TV on a loud volume should be strictly prohibited. Excessive use of electricity generators and loudspeakers in residential areas should also be discouraged. The government of Pakistan should frame rules in this regard and strictly enforce them to reduce noise pollution.

Noise Pollution Causes, effects, and solutions

chart outlining the causes of noise pollution, its effects, and potential solutions:

Causes of Noise PollutionEffects of Noise PollutionSolutions
1. Traffic Noise1. Hearing Damage1. Noise Regulations: Implement and enforce regulations on acceptable noise levels in urban areas.
2. Industrial Processes2. Sleep Disturbance2. Noise Barriers: Construct barriers along highways or around noisy industrial areas to reduce sound transmission.
3. Construction Activities3. Stress and Anxiety3. Land Use Planning: Plan urban areas in a way that separates residential zones from noisy industrial or commercial areas.
4. Airports and Aircraft4. Communication Impairment4. Use of Ear Protection: Encourage individuals working in noisy environments to use ear protection devices.
5. Social Events and Gatherings5. Cognitive Impairment5. Public Awareness: Increase awareness about the harmful effects of noise pollution through educational programs.
6. Household Appliances6. Impact on Wildlife6. Quiet Technology: Encourage the development and use of quieter technologies and appliances.
7. Recreational Vehicles7. Interference with Wildlife Behavior7. Community Involvement: Involve communities in noise control measures and promote responsible noise behavior.

This chart provides a brief overview of some common causes, effects, and potential solutions for noise pollution. Implementing a combination of regulatory measures, technological advancements, and public awareness campaigns can contribute to minimizing noise pollution and its adverse effects.

Transitional devices

Transitional devices are words or phrases that help connect ideas and create a smooth flow between sentences, paragraphs, or sections in a piece of writing. Here’s a chart with types of transitional devices and examples:

TypeExample Transitional Devices
AdditionMoreover, Furthermore, In addition, Additionally
ContrastHowever, Nevertheless, On the other hand, In contrast
ComparisonSimilarly, Likewise, In the same way, Compared to
Cause and EffectTherefore, Consequently, As a result, Thus
Time SequenceFirst, Second, Next, Finally, Meanwhile
ConclusionIn conclusion, To sum up, Overall, Therefore
ClarificationIn other words, That is to say, To clarify, For instance
EmphasisIndeed, Certainly, Above all, In fact
IllustrationFor example, For instance, Such as, Namely
Result/EffectConsequently, Accordingly, Hence, Thus
PurposeFor, With this in mind, To
ComparisonSimilarly, Likewise, In the same way, Compared to

These transitional devices can enhance the coherence and readability of your writing by guiding the reader through the logical progression of ideas.

Independent and Dependent Clauses

Independent and dependent clauses are components of sentence structure in English grammar.

  1. Independent Clause:
    • An independent clause is a group of words that forms a complete sentence and can stand alone. It expresses a complete thought and includes a subject and a predicate.
    • Example: “She went to the store.”
    • In this example, “She went to the store” is a complete sentence with a subject (she) and a predicate (went to the store). It can stand alone and makes sense on its own.
  2. Dependent Clause:
    • A dependent clause, on the other hand, is a group of words that contains a subject and a predicate but cannot stand alone as a complete sentence. It depends on an independent clause to form a complete thought.
    • Example: “Because it was raining.”
    • In this example, “Because it was raining” provides some information, but it doesn’t form a complete thought. It needs to be combined with an independent clause to make sense in context.

In summary, an independent clause is a complete sentence that can stand alone, while a dependent clause is an incomplete sentence that relies on an independent clause to create a full and meaningful expression. Dependent clauses often start with subordinating conjunctions such as “because,” “although,” “when,” etc. When you combine independent and dependent clauses, you create complex sentences.

The Effects of Land Pollution on Human Health

Land pollution has significant effects on human health, and it’s crucial to understand these impacts. When harmful substances, like chemicals and plastics, contaminate the soil, they can enter our food chain, leading to health problems. For instance, if crops grow in polluted soil, the food we eat may contain harmful elements. Additionally, land pollution contributes to the spread of diseases as it provides breeding grounds for pests and insects. This can lead to an increase in illnesses like malaria and dengue fever. To protect ourselves, it’s essential to raise awareness about proper waste disposal and the importance of keeping our land free from pollution. This way, we can ensure a healthier environment and better well-being for everyone.

Internal Link:

  1.  “Highway Traffic Noise”. Federal Highway Administration. June 6, 2017. Archived from the original on 2020-04-01. Retrieved 2018-06-29.
  2.  “Noise Abatement and Control”. US Department of Housing and Urban Development. April 1, 2013. Archived from the original on 2018-06-29. Retrieved 2018-06-29.
  3.  “National Transportation Noise Map”. U.S. Department of Transportation. Archived from the original on 2018-01-21. Retrieved 2018-07-27.
  4.  “National Transportation Noise Map”. U.S. Department of Transportation. March 28, 2018. Archived from the original on 2020-03-26. Retrieved 2018-07-27.
  5.  “Noise Pollution Clearinghouse Law Library”. Noise Pollution Clearinghouse. Archived from the original on 1998-06-11. Retrieved 2018-06-29.
  6.  “Borough of Brielle, NJ: NOISE CONTROL”Borough of Brielle, NJ Code. Retrieved 2022-06-16.
  7.  “Chapter 18.02 Title Noise Control”Auditor’s Office. City of Portland, Oregon. Archived from the original on 2011-07-15. Retrieved 2009-04-20.
  8.  Jump up to:a b c WHO Regional Office for Europe (2018). “Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region”Archived from the original on 2020-12-13. Retrieved 2020-11-30.

External links:


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