
10th Class Computer Chapter 05 – Functions

10th Class Computer Chapter 05 – Functions

Q. No. 1. What is a Function? Describe Different types of Functions with Example.

Ans: Function:         A function is a block of statements which performs a particular task, e.g. printf is a function that is used to display anything on the computer screen, similarly scanf is used to take input from the User.

Types of Functions:

1. Built-in-Function: The functions which are available in C standard library are called built-in-functions. For example, printf and scanf are built-in functions.

2. User Defined Function: The Functions which are defined by a programmer to perform a specific task are called user-defined functions. For example,

                        void test()


                                                printf(“I am Mr. Sajid Khan. \n I am student of Class 10th.\n ”)


Q. No. 2. Describe Different Advantages of Functions.

Ans: Functions provide us several advantages.

1. Reusability: Functions provide reusability of code. It means that whenever we need to use the functionality provide by the function, we just recall the function.

2. Separation of task: Functions allow us to separate the code of one task from the code of other task. So if we have a problem in program, we will just focus at that single function.

3. Handling the Complex Problem: Functions divide the program into smaller units, and thus reduce the complexity of the problem. Because it is difficult to manage the whole program in a single function.

4. Readability: Dividing the program into multiple functions improves the readability of the program.

Q. No. 3. Describe Signature of Functions.

Ans: Function Signature: It is used to define input and output of a function.

The general structure of function signature is as follow:

return_type function_name(data_type_1… data_type_n)

                                  Function DescriptionFunction Signature
A function that takes an integer as input and return its squareInt square(int);
A function that takes length and width of rectangle as input return the perimeters of rectangleFloat perimeter(float, float);
A function that takes three integers as input and returns the largest value among themInt largest(int, int, int);
A function that takes a character as input and returns 1, if the character is vowel, otherwise returns 0.Int isvowel(char)

Q. No. 4. Explain Defining a Functions with Example.

Ans: Definition of the function describe, how the function performs the task assigned to it.

The definition of function has following general structure:

return_type function_name(data_type_1… data_type_n)


                        Body of the Function


Body of the function: It is the set of statements which are executed in the function to perform the specified task. Just after the function’s signature, the set of statements enclosed inside {} from the body of the function.


void ShowProgram()


            printf(“\n Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog.\n”);


Q. No. 5. Define Arguments and Parameter of the functions.

Ans: Parameters are the variables of different data types of the value returned by function. During the function, the value passed to the function are called arguments. Calling a function means to transfer the control to that particular function.

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