
Online Notes: Drug addiction complete solved Excercise

Online Notes: Drug addiction complete solved Excercise

Lesson No: 10


Q: What are the effects of drug addiction?

A: Long-term use of drugs causes permanent mental and physical sickness.

Q: What are the causes of drug addiction?

A: Drug addiction is caused by genetic and environmental factors.

Q: What important role do rehabilitation centers play in controlling drug addiction?

A: The rehabilitation centers play an important role in controlling drug addiction by providing the addicts with proper guidance and treatment.

Q: What is the role of counseling in preventing drug addiction?

A: The factor that contributes to the rehabilitation of the drug victim is proper counseling. The sooner it is done, the better for the victim.

Q: Why do families feel reluctant to take drug victims to drug rehabilitation centers?

A: Because of fear of being an outcast the families of the drug victims feel reluctant to take them to drug rehabilitation centers.

Q: What are the responsibilities of the families to ensure the complete recovery of such patients?

A: Doctors, family, and friends must continue to critically watch and counsel the victim for better motivation and adjustment.

Cognate Words

Cognate words are linguistic siblings—words in different languages that have a common origin and share similar meanings, spellings, and pronunciations due to their historical relationship. These words often evolve from a common ancestral language and have retained similarities over time.

For instance, words like “mother” (English), “mater” (Latin), “mère” (French), “madre” (Spanish), and “mutter” (German) are cognates. They all stem from the same Indo-European root, “mater,” which means “mother.”

Cognates can provide clues about the historical connections between languages and can make it easier for people learning a new language to recognize and understand certain words due to their familiar forms or meanings.

Relative Pronoun

A relative pronoun is a word that connects a clause or phrase to a noun or pronoun. It helps give more information about that noun or pronoun. Common relative pronouns include “who,” “whom,” “whose,” “which,” and “that.”

Here’s a simple example:

“The book that I bought is on the table.”

In this sentence, “that” is the relative pronoun. It connects the clause “I bought” to the noun “book.” It tells us more about which book is being referred to—the one that was bought.

Relative pronouns help join ideas and provide additional information about a noun or pronoun in a sentence.

Adjective Clause

An adjective clause is a group of words that functions as an adjective, providing more information about a noun in a sentence. It starts with a relative pronoun (like “who,” “which,” or “that”) or a relative adverb (such as “where,” or “when”).

Example: “The house that is painted blue belongs to Sarah.”

In this sentence, “that is painted blue” is the adjective clause. It describes which house is being referred to by giving more information about it—its color.

Relative pronouns Use in Sentences:

  1. Who: Used for referring to people or sometimes animals with a sense of identity.
    • “She is the one who won the race.”
  2. Whom: Also used for referring to people, often as an object in a sentence.
    • “To whom did you give the book?”
  3. That: Used for referring to both people and things, often to specify or identify.
    • “The dog that barks loudly is in the backyard.”
  4. Which: Primarily used for referring to things or animals.
    • “I bought a new car, which is parked outside.”
  5. Whose: Shows possession and is used for both people and things.
    • “The man whose car was stolen reported it to the police.”

These words are relative pronouns, and their usage depends on whether they refer to people, things, possessions, or specific details within a sentence.

Adjective Clause

An adjective clause is a group of words that functions as an adjective, providing more information about a noun or pronoun in a sentence. It begins with a relative pronoun (like “who,” “which,” or “that”) or a relative adverb (such as “where,” or “when”).

Example: “The girl who lives next door is my best friend.”

In this sentence, “who lives next door” is the adjective clause. It describes which girl is being talked about by giving more information about her—her location or place of residence.

Passive Voice into Active Voice

Passive voice is a construction where the subject of the sentence is acted upon by the verb. To change a sentence from passive to active voice, you generally follow these steps:

  1. Identify the subject, verb, and object.
  2. Make the object of the passive sentence the subject of the active sentence.
  3. Use the active form of the verb that agrees with the new subject.
  4. Include the former subject (agent) after the new subject if necessary.

For example, let’s convert a passive sentence into an active voice:

Passive: “The cake was baked by Sarah.” Active: “Sarah baked the cake.”

Here, the object in the passive sentence (“cake”) becomes the subject in the active sentence, and the passive verb “was baked” changes to the active verb “baked.”


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