
Muhammad Ali Jinnah, The Wonderful Author of Pakistan

Muhammad Ali Jinnah, The Wonderful Author of Pakistan


The Quaid’s vision for Pakistan refers to the dream and aspirations of Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the author of Pakistan, for the recently free country. Jinnah imagined Pakistan as an equitable and dynamic nation where individuals of all religions and backgrounds could live together agreeably. His vision emphasized standards of correspondence, equity, and flexibility for all citizens, notwithstanding of their religion, ethnicity, or social status. He pointed to forming a state where Muslims seem to hone their confidence unreservedly whereas guaranteeing the rights of minorities were ensured.

Jinnah’s vision moreover included the advancement of Pakistan as an advanced and affluent country, with a center on instruction, financial development, and social welfare. He accepted the significance of instruction for all, particularly for ladies, as he saw it as pivotal for the advance and advancement of the nation. Moreover, he supported financial approaches that would elevate the destitute and marginalized communities, and advance industrialization and exchange to fortify the economy. Overall, Quaid’s vision for Pakistan was grounded within the standards of solidarity, balance, and advancement, pointing to forming a country that would serve as a guide of trust and thriving for its citizens. 

Lesson No: 6



The Quaid-e-Azam, revered as the founding father of Pakistan, held an unwavering belief in the potential of the nation he envisioned. His confidence in the people of Pakistan was profound, stemming from his firm conviction in their collective strength and resilience. He envisioned a nation not divided by regional or linguistic boundaries but bound together by a shared heritage, culture, and primarily, the unifying thread of religion. The cornerstone of his ideology lay in the unity of Muslims, considering them not just followers of a particular faith but a cohesive, singular nation.

His vision transcended the limitations of geographical borders and emphasized the importance of unity among the diverse people who inhabited the land. In addressing the contemporary challenges faced by Pakistan, the Quaid’s foresight serves as a guiding light. He cautioned against the pitfalls of disunity, disharmony, and fragmentation, urging the populace to heed his wisdom. To build a robust and resilient nation, the Quaid’s teachings emphasize the need to transcend personal, local, and sectarian identities, fostering a sense of unity that surpasses individual differences. Embracing this inclusive perspective is key to realizing the Quaid’s vision and nurturing a strong, unified Pakistan.

Question Answer

Q: How much confidence did the Quaid-e-Azam have in his nation?

A:  The Quaid-e-Azam had great confidence in his nation.

Q: What was Quaid’s concept of our nation?

A: The Quaid’s concept of our nation was that we are one nation based on religion and culture.

Q: What was the ideology of the Quaid-e-Azam based on?

A: The ideology of the Quaid-e-Azam was based on the pivot of Muslim unity and oneness as a nation.

Q: What can be the possible solution to our present problems?

A: The possible solution to our problems is that we should not fall prey to fatal diseases of disunity, disharmony, and disintegration. We should pay heed to the Quaid’s warnings and advice.

Q: How can we become a strong nation?

A: We can become a strong nation if we start to think beyond personal, local, linguistic, ethnic, sectarian, or provincial identities and prejudices.


  1. “From Dawn’s Archives: The Father of the Nation laid to Rest”. 11 September 2017. Retrieved 18 April 2021

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Muhammad Ali Jinnah